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Meet the Founder
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Osiris Jamaal Na'im Jackson
CEO + Managing Partner
Jamaal has a background in public and non-profit accounting extending back to his first internship at accounting firm, PwC.
Jamaal has a B.S in accounting from Rutgers University Newark. He is currently the CEO + managing partner of this amazingly unique accounting firm + small business development company. He is also happens to be the sole proprietor to the My Accountant is Black brand! S+S has 4 core values that we call agreements: Stewardship, strategy, scholastic uplift, and servant leadership. Jamaal has a passion for uplifting the youth. playing tennis, chess, and composing music.
4Agreements of Safe + Sounds
Our agreement that embodies the ethical responsibility of planning and managing the resources and capital of our valued clients.
​Our agreement with a keen focus on preparation and planning for the purpose of setting and achieving our clients financial objectives
Scholastic Uplift
Our agreement that combines our aim to educate our clients with our commitment to lifting as we climb the ladder to financial freedom.
Servant Leadership
Our agreement that understands that true leadership is predicated on the shepherd's ability not to be served, rather to serve his flock. Scriptural reference 1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace
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